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Terms of Agreement

The collection of personal data is necessary for participation in our selection process. The data and replies that you submit will be stored in electronical form and can be accessed by AMADA Austria GmbH (hereinafter referred to as AMADA), employees in our personnel department who are entrusted with the processing of applications and superiors in the specialist departments. Your data will only be used in the context of the application selection procedure and will not be transferred to third parties.

With your approval of these usage agreements you allow us to use your data for collection, processing, storage and evaluation in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Data Protection Act/Data Privacy Law (§ 4 DSG). Once you have submitted your personal data you have the right to withdraw or delete your data at any time. If you wish to do this please contact us. You can also use our contact form.

The data that is collected will be deleted in accordance with the relevant, applicable statutory regulations as long as it is not required to enter an application process of trainee contract. The results of the test process will only be used for the standardisation of the selection process after the end of this period, if still required.

Access to the website is possible in principle at any time of day or night. It is, however, possible that the website, individual services go down for short periods because of an overload in peak periods or because of necessary maintenance work. This will not result in any claims for compensation by the use against AMADA or against companies commissioned with the installation of this website application.

Career aptitude tests may also be submitted to you in the course of this application process. You hereby also agree to the processing of Internet-based personnel selection processes (psychological test procedures) and expressly declare your consent to the use of your test results for the decision-making process on whether to continue considering your application in the application process.

Information on the status of your application will be sent to you by e-mail. We would like to point out that we are not liable if another person has access to the e-mail address you have provided and this person can thus access your personal data. Please ensure in your own interest that you only provide an e-mail address that is allocated exclusively to you.

We would like to point out that the websites may only be used for legal purposes. Acts that impair the run capability, stability or security of the cumputer system, the network or third parties or intend to do the same, e.g. achieving unauthorised access to the parts of the website that are only accessible after registration, or the introduction of computer viruses or mechanisms with similar effects, are prohibited. This kind of act is therefore forbidden and will be prosecuted under civil and criminal law. The entry of incorrect or misleading information is not permitted. Registration under another name and unjustified multiple registration under different names are also not permitted.

All test procedures and methods used within the framework of the application process are proprietary. The creation of copies of these tests and methods, their collection, disitribution or other misuse is not permitted and contravenes the copyright laws. We expressly reserve the right to claim compensation in the event of contravention.

AMADA is only liable for grossly negligent or intentional breaches of duty by its legal representatives or agents as long as there is no damage to the life, body or health of a person.

If you have any questions or notes regarding data privacy please contact us. You can also use our contact form.