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Quality and Environment Management System

Certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and validated by EMAS

In the year 1995 we began to establish our quality management system. To this end, inventory was taken of actual conditions in the company and existing work flows were restructured. In addition, not yet existing norm requirements were developed and then defined in the form of new process and working directives, while a system for evaluating means of measurement was put into place. First certified according to ISO 9002:1994 by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance (LRQA) in January 1997, our quality management system has guaranteed the high quality of our products ever since.

On the basis of our positive experience with the quality management system and in view of the growing importance of environmental consciousness, in the fall of 1998 our company management made the decision to integrate an environmental management system into the existing quality management system.

Thus, together with the consulting firm of Shebl & Partner we began in January 1999 to develop and introduce an environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 and EMAS. Our integrated quality and environmental management system was initially certified according to ISO9002, ISO14001 and EMAS in January 2000. Our management system was subsequently recertified according to ISO9001 and ISO14001 and validated by EMAS II in April 2003, and this standard we hold today.

AMADA Austria GmbH was presented with the "Austrian Environmental Reporting Award" in November 2003.

Quality and Environmental Policy

Our products take their place among the offerings with which the AMADA Group serves the market, including machines, tools and accessories, and services. In this context we regard environmental protection as an important management task, ensuring that it is implemented by way of concrete objectives and rules of behavior within the realm of every company operation at every level.

By involving both our staff member responsible for environmental affairs and the special officer responsible that is provided for by law in proceedings and decisions relevant to the environment, we ensure that all company decisions adhere to applicable laws. We wish to reduce as much as possible or prevent adverse environmental impacts arising from activities at our production site as well as from the use and disposal of our products, whereas we give preference to the principle of prevention. As far as technically and economically feasible, residual substances are returned to their respective material cycles.

The environmental impact of new products, activities and procedures is monitored, while potential influence on the environment is examined and evaluated in advance. In every area of our company we wish to use materials that are ecologically sound and comply with industrial-medical considerations, and to employ these as well as energy and water in a careful, thrifty manner. Customer satisfaction is our highest quality objective, one that is anchored in our strategy; it entails at the same time product quality, product selection, service, good price value and quality of delivery.

With every one of our customers we strive to clarify what they may realistically expect from us, in this way strengthening our customers’ confidence in us. These expectations include just as much our adhering to business principles relevant for quality as exhibiting the willingness to be flexible and accommodate customers in individual cases. We regard it as our duty to continually improve our quality management system and our environmental protection efforts to constantly reviewing our processes and applying state-of-the-art technology in an economically feasible manner.

We regularly inform our customers, the general public and authorities about both any adverse environmental impact issuing from our operation and our accomplishment related to the environment.

Our corporate culture

Ours is a goal-oriented corporate culture founded upon our employees, each of whom makes his or her own specific contribution within clearly defined processes to providing our products and services and is thereby accountable for their quality. In like manner, our suppliers and service-providers are also integrated into our quality policy as well as our efforts toward improved environmental protection. We expect contract partners working at our production site to adhere to our environmental regulations as well.

Well-trained and highly motivated staff members are the guarantee for awareness and acceptance of customers’ expectations, for the quality of our services to the market and for efficient organisation of the manner in which goods and services are provided. We train our staff members and inform them extensively about the environmental aspects of their work while motivating them to behave in a manner reflecting environmental consciousness.

AMADA technologies represent pioneering manufacturing solutions that achieve the highest level of efficiency and productivity with maximum environmental compatibility.

Do you have any questions?

Our Quality and Environmental Management Officer, Ms. Sabine Rabel, will be happy to assist you by phone at +43 2630 35170 to explain our environmental commitment.
Further information can be found in our environmental statement in the Downloads