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Special solutions

Radius bending (using air-bending tools)


  • for mild steel and 3t<R<30t, R results will vary around ±5%
  • for R≥30t less accuracy expected
  • for B<10t coining operation is recommended


Radien bending (using counterpressure)


  • for mild steel and R>30t, R results will vary around ±5%
  • for B<10t coining operation is recommended
  • depending on material, much higher bending force is needed


Radius bending (using coining tools)


  • for mild steel and R<30t, R results vary around ±5%
  • for B≥ 10t air bending operation is recommended
  • bending force could increase heavily, depending on material


Offset bending


  • best results for R≈ 0,3H; B=1,4H+5mm; H<12mm (mild steel)
  • H results will vary around ±0,2mm
  • smaller height values of H<2,8t are resulting less accuracy


Hat bending


  • best results for R1≈ t; R2≈ 2t; H≈(5t bis 15mm) U≈(4t bis 30mm)
  • H and U results will vary around ±0,2mm
  • smaller flange values of B<10t are resulting less accuracy


U bending


  • best results for R ≈ t; U≈(4t bis 30mm)
  • U results will vary around ±0,2mm
  • depending on material top side of the U shape could slightly open


Beading (longitudinal to the bending line)


  • best results for R≈(3t bis 10mm); V≈(4t bis 30mm) and A> 60° (mild steel)
  • H results will vary around ±0,2mm
  • smaller flange values of B<10t are resulting less accuracy




  • for C=2t bending force increases heavily
  • for more complex sheet parts double-deck tool type is not possible
  • flange of H > B could weaken tool tonnage